"Call Me, speak to Me from the depths of your heart, from the very core of your being, from the very depths of your soul, persistently, majestically, determinedly, with a firm resolve in your heart that you will go on seeking Me, no matter how many times I do not answer. If you unceasingly whisper in your heart to Me, `O my silent Beloved, speak to me,' I will come to you, My devotee."
Sri Krishna's message in the Bhagavad Gita is the perfect answer for the modern age, and any age: Yoga of dutiful action, of nonattachment, and of meditation for God-realization. To work without the the inner peace of God is Hades; and to work with His joy ever bubbling through the soul is to carry a portable paradise within, wherever one goes. The path advocated by Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita is the moderate, medium, golden path, both for the busy man of the world and for the highest spiritual aspirant. To follow the path advocated by the Bhagavad Gita would be their salvation, for it is a book of universal Self-realization, introducing man to his true Self, the soul- showing him how he has evolved from Spirit, how he may fulfill on earth his righteous duties, and how he may return to God. The Gita's wisdom is not for dry intellectualists to perform mental gymnastics with its sayings for the entertainment of dogmatist; but rather to show a man or woman living in the world, householder or renunciant, how to live a balanced life that includes the actual contact of God, by following the step-by-step methods of yoga.
🌼💗গোবিন্দ পরামানন্দ 💗গোবিন্দ পরমানন্দ 💗গোবিন্দ💗🌼
*🌼💗গোবিন্দ পরামানন্দ 💗গোবিন্দ পরমানন্দ 💗গোবিন্দ💗🌼*
*আমি সেই আদি পুরুষ গোবিন্দ কে ভজনা করি। যিনি বেণু বাদনকারী ,যার বদন পদ্ম
দলের মতো আয়ত। ময়ূর পুচ...
* All the forms of God and Goddesses known as almighty powers are natur...