***कृष्णस्तु भगवान स्वयं ***

***कृष्णस्तु भगवान स्वयं ***

Thursday, May 22, 2014

***Secrets of Karmayoga as told by Supreme Lord Shri Krishna to Arjuna***

***Secrets of Karmayoga as told by

Supreme Lord Shri Krishna to Arjuna***

 Lord Shri Krishna to Arjuna:
1.“I have stated a two-fold path of spiritual discipline in the past.
The path of Self-knowledge for the contemplative ones, and the path of unselfish work for all others. One does not attain freedom from bondage of Karma by merely abstaining from work. No one attains perfection by merely giving up work, because no one can remain inactive even for a moment. The forces of Nature drive everyone to action.”
2.“People get confused and think that leading a life devoted to scriptural study, contemplation, and acquiring transcendental knowledge may be better for spiritual progress than doing one’s worldly duty. A God-realized person does not consider oneself the doer of any action, but only an instrument in the hands of the Divine for His use. Both metaphysical knowledge and selfless service are means to attain the Supreme Being. These two paths are not separate, but complimentary.
O Arjuna, do your duty to the best of your ability as a service to God.”

***All devotees must  adore and worship Supreme Lord Shri Krishna’s Lotus feet day and night***



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